Recent Projects

James Roy James Roy

Layout and Wiring For Dennis

This was a challenging build! There is not a square inch available on this board. Everything had to be placed like a complex jigsaw puzzle.

It also received a handy interface box that fits beautifully in this Pedaltrain board.

Custom audio cables, custom MIDI cables, and two custom fabricated spacer plates brought this project together.

One obvious challenge with Pedaltrain-type pedalboards is fitting pedals between the rails. In this case, because the looper, E7, and DMC Micro are up front, this meant that the Rainger EchoX, B9, Mel9, Enzo and Particle all had to be mounted on the middle of a rail. So we fabricated two custom plates (one especially for the EchoX, and one big one for the rest) to span the gap and provide a solid foundation for Dennis to stomp on these pedals. Otherwise they would see-saw off the board into oblivion.

Enzo, Zoia, Blooper and Microcosm are all fully MIDI connected, providing endless sounds.

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James Roy James Roy

Custom Everything For Simon

Simon got in touch with us because his current board just couldn’t fit everything.

We went back and forth with Simon as his board evolved from a single platform to a sweet, sweet two-tier custom fabrication.

It was quite a challenge to fit the fuzz into the layout due to its size, while also keeping all of the immediate access pedals up front.

Simon is a left-handed player, so we built a custom junction box and mounted it on the far left to make plugging into this board a whole lot more user-friendly.

The flip top includes magnetic catches, and the whole thing turned out beautifully!

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James Roy James Roy

Custom Wiring Job For Tim

This project originally came in as a re-wire/clean-up project. There were a couple of benchmarks we had to meet:

  1. Consolidate Power - Tim was stuck using 3 separate cables to power the board. We simplified this set-up to reduce it to one wall plug.

  2. Custom MIDI - Off-the-shelf MIDI cables work great in a pinch, but to really maximize the available space, we soldered up all new right-angle MIDI cables using Mogami 2948, and SwitchCraft MIDI plugs.

  3. Re-organization - We were able to work with Tim to create an all new layout that actually freed up some space to add in the (eventual) Strymon Ididium, and one more pedal if he chooses to!

  4. Cable Management - This is an obvious one. Tim had already done a bunch of work using SquarePlugs, we just picked up where he left off and re-soldered (and built new) cables to standardize the entire set-up.

We also needed to fabricate a backing plate to bridge two Pedaltrain rails so that the TS9, Deep Six, and Drop pedals had a stable position to be attached to. You can see it better in the photo of the underside.

That was Phase 1.

Phase 2

After a few weeks Tim reached out again because he picked up the Iridium and wanted to start going direct into a PA in full stereo. No problem. We re-routed what needed to be re-routed, and stereo-ized what needed to be stereo, and its done!


Cable Management


The Before Picture!

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